You have AdBlock installed — this may hinder our service operation, and you will not be rewarded.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long should I wait before I see the money on my balance after shopping?

    Within 30 minutes upon purchase, you will be able to see you order listed in your account and having a pending status. This means you will receive cashback as soon as the approval time specified for this particular shop expires.

    Each shop has its own terms of cashback accruals. You can find this information on the shop page. Most online shops may require around 30 days for cashback.

  • When will I see my order in my account?

    Complete orders will appear in your account within 30 minutes in average, or even instantly in some cases. Occasionally, there may be delays up to 10 days.

  • What is the minimum amount for payment?

    The minimum amount payable depends on the payment method used. You can find more details on this in your account, on the page called "Payouts"

  • How can I submit my review?

    You should buy something from a shop first, then you will be able to leave a comment concerning this particular shop. Navigate to the "Comments" section to share your experience with others.

  • I cannot find my favorite shop in your catalog. Is it possible to add it in?

    Well, you may offer a shop using the "Add shop" button specially designed for this purpose. You can find the button on all pages at the bottom.

  • I have questions regarding cashbacks. Should I write them to Online Shop Support?

    No. Customer support staff from online shops can hardly be of assistance in this field. Their primary duties involve processing your orders and delivering purchases to you. If you have any questions in terms of Smarty.Sale operation and paybacks, address our specialists only, using a communication method of your convenience.

  • Do I receive cashbacks due to overpricing?

    No. That's not true. Your cashback is secured from the reward we get from online shops when your order items from them. This has nothing to do with product pricing. Moreover, shopping with Smarty.Sale gives you savings.

  • Do I pay you for products I buy from online shops?

    No. All the payments you make for items from a shop go directly to that shop, subject to purchase conditions. We do not sell anything, so you don not need to pay anything to us. On the contrary, we pay you for every paid order, according to our cashback policy.

  • I placed an order, paid for the product but then returned it. Why I don't have my cashback scored?

    We consider only the orders that were paid in full to the online shop and not returned to the seller for whatever reason it might be .

  • What is the referral program? Or: How you can earn on Smarty.Sale?

    By using this program you can invite friends, family members and earn some extra from every purchase they pay for. This is to your advantage. The more friends you have the higher your income may be. Note, also, that all your invited friends will receive cashbacks in full. Your reward will have no effect on your friends.

  • I cannot restore my password. What should I do?

    Write to the support using the feedback form. The mandatory information should include your postal address your account was registered for.

  • How can I get my cashback?

    Use a simple registration procedure to sign up on our site (or log in if you are already registered with us), navigate to the shops catalog and pick the one you desire for shopping. Click on the "Go shopping" button and place an order as normal, then, go to your Smarty.Sale account and select the "My orders" section, where you will be able to see your order already being processed. As soon as you have paid your order it should be confirmed by us.

  • I have no cashback confirmed. Why?

    There can be several reasons you have not received cashback confirmation:

    1. You were redirected to the shop from our site or using our plugin, but then you closed the page and accessed the target site via a third-party advertisement. In the case like this it may be you won't get cashback. Try not to close the page and avoid clicking on any banners placed by third parties after your entering the online shop from our site.

    2. You may have AdBlock or similar ad blocking application installed on your computer. Disable it when checking out.

    3. Too much time has passed since your access of the site using our service. Take for example AliExpress. There you should check out within 24 hours after being redirected from our site. In order to have your cashback secured, should the above-mentioned expire, you will have to access our site or use our plugin software and click on the "Go shopping" button again.

    4. You have entered the online shop directly, not through using our service. You will not get cashback in this situation.

    If you are sure you did everything right � call our support, and we definitely will answer all your questions.

  • What is plugin?

    It is an expansion for your Internet browser. With our plugin you will never lose your cashback. Upon entering an online shop, the plugin will notify you that this shop offers cashback supported by our service, and will enable this feature instantly. We recommend you have it on your computer. Don't hesitate to leave your comment on what you think about this plugin. This is totally safe and won't interfere with your PC operation. It will not be collecting any data from your computer but acts entirely for information purposes reminds the user about the opportunity to get some refund for shopping. Save more together with Smarty.Sale and earn extra!

  • May I use multiple promo-codes a time?

    Yes, of course. Note, however, that you may use promo-codes in combination with cashback only if you do this directly from the "COUPONS/PROMO-CODES" section on our site. Other promo-codes, if taken, for example, from mailing lists online shops send to their customers, may not work and your cashback won't be confirmed.

  • I cannot confirm my registration and/or phone number. What should I do?

    Use any method of communication you see fit to contact our customer support. We will find the reason and rectify your problem. Please note that most often are errors users make when entering postal addresses or phone numbers, so be more attentive with this.

  • Is it mandatory to fill up a user profile? All the fields?

    No, it is not, but extremely advisable. These details will be useful to restore access to your account, for example, or in some payout procedures. So, make sure you provide as much details as possible, for your sake. This will require just a few minutes of your time. We assure you that your personal data you give to us are not available to third-parties. We use these data exceptionally for the connectivity with payment services and to restore your account access, if needed.

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